Today's Ramble was lead by Dale Hoyt.
Here's the link to Don's Facebook album for today's Ramble. (All the photos in this post
are compliments of Don.)
Today's post was written by Dale Hoyt.
Seventeen Ramblers met today.
readings: We had two
readings today. Sue read this article from the Athens Banner
Herald on the
beneficial aspects of spiders. Dave read the poem Piute Creek by Gary Snyder:
granite ridge
tree, would be enough
even a rock, a small creek,
bark shred in a pool.
beyond hill, folded and twisted
trees crammed
thin stone fractures
huge moon on it all, is too much.
mind wanders. A million
night air still and the rocks
Sky over endless mountains.
the junk that goes with being human
away, hard rock wavers
the heavy present seems to fail
bubble of a heart.
and books
a small creek off a high ledge
in the dry air.
clear, attentive mind
no meaning but that
sees is truly seen.
one loves rock, yet we are here.
chills. A flick
the moonlight
into Juniper shadow:
there unseen
proud eyes
Cougar or Coyote
me rise and go.
(Snyder began as an early, important member of the
"Beat" movement. His poetry is heavily influenced by Zen Buddhism,
Japanese Haiku and Chinese verse.)
Today's route:
We left the arbor and made our way down the paved walkway
towards the International Garden, taking the sidewalk to the left, just before
the Flower Bridge. We walked close to
the Visitor Center, following the path through the hop arbors to the gazebo in
the Heritage Garden. At this point we
made our way directly back to the Visitor Center and Donderos'.
On the way down the sidewalk we spotted two spiders,
a Triangulate Orbweaver and Orchard Orbweaver. The Triangulate was
still small, but illustrates why we seldom see spiders until later in summer
and early fall – they are simply too small. Most hatch out in the spring from
eggs that overwintered and it takes time for them to grow to the size where
they become noticeable.
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Bottlebrush Buckeye; mostly staminate (male) flowers |
A Bottlebrush buckeye still had some racemes
with lots of flowers. If you look carefully at each raceme with its hundreds of
flowers you may notice that most of them have only stamens. Only a small
percentage of the flowers are perfect (that is, contain stamens and pistils,
the male and female parts). The perfect flowers are difficult to find because
the style of the pistil is long, thin and the same color as the filaments of
the stamens. It lacks the small brown anther at the end, but some older stamens
have lost their anthers also. There is another Bottlebrush buckeye near this
one – it is on the sidewalk just beyond the Flower bridge and has dropped most
of its petals. The perfect flowers on that plant stand out as their swollen
ovary at the base of the pistil still bears the style. If you're interested you
can count the number of perfect flowers and the total number of flowers on a
raceme. It should come out to about 4% perfect. This condition of bearing some
perfect and some male flowers is called andromonoecious. The andro-
prefix means male and the –monoecious suffix means one house – both sexes on
the same plant.
Today's focus was on
pollinators, especially bees, but, as ever, we were open to anything that creeps,
crawls or flies upon or around flowers.
How many kinds of bees are found in the SBGG?
A two year study (2006-2007) in the garden found 122
species of bees. (To give you a perspective on this number there are only about
one half as many kinds of trees found in the garden.) The vast majority of
these bee species are solitary. Only 7 of the species collected were social
bees: the Honey bee and 6 kinds of Bumble bee.
Common, easily recognized bees.
Today we saw four kinds of easily identified bees:
Carpenter bee – large bee
with a fuzzy yellow thorax and a smooth, glistening black abdomen. A solitary
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Carpenter bee |
Bumble bee – variable in
size, some almost as large as Carpenter bees. Both thorax and abdomen are
fuzzy. Various amounts of yellow fuzz on either thorax and/or abdomen. (There
are at least six species of Bumble bee to be found in the garden.) A social
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Bumble bee |
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Honey bee robbing nectar from a Salvia |
Honey bee – smaller than
the Carpenter bee or Bumble bee; abdomen with alternating orangish-yellow and
black rings. Baskets on hind legs hold pollen and will look like colorful
saddlebags if the bee is collecting pollen. (Color depends on the color of the
pollen.) A social bee.
Leaf-cutter bee – about
the size of a honey bee, but fuzzier and with alternating gray and black bands
on the abdomen. Lacks the saddlebags for pollen collecting on the hind legs.
(Pollen is collected on the belly of the abdomen. These bees are highly
effective pollinators, possibly because the ventral surface is where the pollen
is collected. As the bee scrambles over the flower the pollen is more likely to
come in contact with the flower's stigmas. Leaf-cutters are solitary bees.
Difference between social insects and solitary insects.
Social insects live in a
communal nest, like a honey bee hive, in which only one individual is reproductive
(the queen). The other individuals in the colony are her daughters and do not
reproduce. They perform other activities: foraging for nectar and pollen, defending
the hive, feeding the brood (and the queen), building and maintaining the hive and
storing food.
Solitary insects live isolated lives. A fertilized female
constructs her own nest, often by digging a tunnel in the ground or excavating
a cavity in a stem or piece of dead wood. She then provisions the nest with
food that she gathers herself. In bees this is a mixture of nectar and pollen.
After the nest is provisioned she lays an egg on nectar-pollen mixture and closes
off that portion of the nest. Her egg will hatch and the larva will feed on the
food provided by its mother, and then pupate, all the while living in the same chamber.
Meanwhile, the mother repeats this process until the nest is filled with partitioned
chambers, each with their single developing progeny. The original female
continues to build and provision nests until she dies. Her young may emerge
from the nest in the same year or over winter and emerge in the following
spring. The emerging males and females mate, the males die soon after and the
fertilized females do as their mother did.
The difference between bees and wasps.
Bees generally have branched hairs on their body, the
better to gather pollen with. Wasps have few, in any hairs, but if they do have
hairs they will not be branched. Adult bees feed on nectar and gather pollen to
feed to their larvae (along with nectar to make "bee bread"). Adult
wasps also feed on nectar but feed freshly killed and minced insects to their
larvae. To some this makes wasps beneficial insects because they hunt and kill
the caterpillars that eat our garden plants.
Wasps can be social or solitary, just like bees.
Examples of social wasps are: paper wasps, yellow jackets, and hornets. Paper wasps build the small, flat paper nests that are often found
under the eaves of houses. Yellow jackets build similar paper structures, but
typically build them underground or in cavities like hollow trees. Hornets
build large, paper enclosed nests that can be as large as a basketball.. The
paper enclosure that surrounds the nest protects the inhabitants from the
elements, enabling hornets to put their nests in exposed areas.
Why do the stings hurt so much?
The nest of social bees and wasps is a concentrated
resource of valuable food for other animals. Bee hives have, in addition to
their store of honey, wax and pollen lots of juicy larvae that many animals,
especially bears and skunks, would love to eat. Wasp nests don't contain stored
food but their larvae would make a tasty, protein-rich meal for another animal.
Where ever such a concentrated resource is present defensive measures have
evolved and in the social wasps and bees this is a potent sting. In the distant
past those bees or wasps with milder stings suffered greater damage to their
nests and failed to produce as many offspring as those with more powerful
stings. As a result the social bees and wasps have very painful, long lasting
The solitary bees and wasps have no such concentrated
resources to defend and their stings are much less severe than those of their
social relatives. In fact, most solitary bees and wasps will only sting if
physically restrained.
The social bees we saw today were Honeybees and
Bumblebees. The other bees we saw, Carpenter bees, Leaf-cutter bees and
numerous tiny bees were all solitary. We also saw several different kinds of
solitary wasps feeding on the nectar of flowers in the Physic Garden: a Great
Golden digger wasp, Great Black wasp and Scoliid wasps. The
scoliids are interesting. Their prey is the grubs of beetles in the scarab
family (June bugs, Japanese beetles, etc.) that feed buried in the soil feeding
on the roots of grasses. The female scoliids somehow can sense where these
beetle larvae are, dig down into the soil, and lay an egg on the grub after
paralyzing it with a sting.
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Great Golden digger wasp |
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Organ pipe mud dauber nests |
We didn't actually see one of the solitary wasps –
we only saw it's nest and it wasn't possible to determine if it was active. This
wasp builds long hollow tubes made from mud. Several are created side by side
suggesting the pipes of an organ and giving the common name of the wasp: the Organ
pipe mud dauber. Each tube is stocked with paralyzed spiders. Although the
nests may be built together each one is built and maintained by a single
female. There are reports that males stand guard while the female is hunting
and protect the nest from parasites and other dangers. If true, this one of the
only instances in which male wasps play any role after mating. People who have
looked at the next contents find that they contain exclusively a single species
of spider. This suggests that the wasps are able to seek out a specific habitat
in which they can find their prey.
There were also several kinds of flies visiting
flowers in the Physic Garden: a big, hairy Tachinid fly and some smaller
flies that look very much like bees. The Tachinids are parasitic on other
insects. For example, they lay eggs on caterpillars and, after hatching, the
larvae eat their way into the body of the unlucky insect and consume it from
the inside. Tachinids attack a large range of insects: grasshoppers and praying
mantids, to name a few.
The bee mimics are in the Flower fly family (also
known as the Hover fly family). They are able to hover motionless in front of a
flower and then suddenly dart off. Their color pattern looks very bee-like:
alternating rings of black and yellow. To distinguish them from real bees look
at how the wings are held at rest. Flower fly wings are held at an angle,
making the resting fly look a little like a jet aircraft with swept back wings.
Real bees hold their wings straight over their backs when not flying.
Adult hover flies feed on nectar and pollen but
their larvae are vicious carnivores (really insectivores) that feed on aphids.
So you should welcome these harmless flies to your garden; they protect your
plants from the attacks of sap sucking insects.
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Carpenter bee biting base of Salvia flower |
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Carpenter bee nectar robbing a Salvia |
that cheat.
There are two beds of Salvia on the way to the
Visitor's Center and they were being actively worked by Carpenter bees and
Honey bees, but not in the way you would think. The Salvia flower has long
throat and a narrow opening, so to reach the nectar produced at the bottom of
the flower a pollinator would need a long tongue. While we watched the
Carpenter bees we noticed that they were cheating. They were getting nectar
from the back door. Instead of inserting their tongue into the floral opening
they were biting an opening in the base of the corolla tube. Time after time we
saw them fly from flower to flower and ignore the front door. The Honey bees
were doing the same thing, but they were visiting flowers that the Carpenter
bees had already slit open. This activity is anthropomorphically, but
accurately, called nectar robbing.
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Developing Hops fruits |
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Lupulin glands on hops; they supply the flavor in beer |
One of the arbors in the garden has some Hops vines
growing over it and they are developing the flower clusters that are used to
flavor beer. The clusters are superficially similar to the fruits of the tree
we know as Hophornbeam, which accounts for the origin of the Hop part of its
name. Opening up one of the clusters Linda saw what looked like a yellow dust
on the bracts. Our initial thought was that it might be pollen, but that was
not the case. Some Google searches revealed that these tiny golden balls are
glands that contain a substance called lupulin, which is what gives hops
the properties desired in making beer.
aside: Before hops were used in beer making the plant
used for the same purpose in England was Ground ivy, in the Mint family.
Another name for Ground ivy is Gill-over-the-ground. The Gill part of the name should
be pronounced as if the G is a J, making it sound French. And, in fact, the
word Gill is from the French guiller
which means to ferment beer. (source)
Flowers of the Aster family:
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Zinnia blossom; white ray florets, yellow disk florets are open for pollinators |
What appears to be a single flower in a Daisy is really an
inflorescence, a group of smaller flowers called florets. In daisy-like plants in the Aster family these
florets are of two kinds: ray florets and disk florets. The ray florets are
those on the outer edge of the inflorescence – they look like what most people
would call petals. In fact, each petal is the single ray of a tiny floret. Inside
the ring of ray florets is a large number of florets that lack the prominent
ray. Instead these florets each have a tubular corolla of fused petals. These
are called the disk florets.
If you examine them with a hand lens you can see that the disk is made of
hundreds of these tiny flowers. In many of the Aster family flowers the ray
florets are sterile; they are the flags that attract pollinators. In these
plants the disk florets produce the pollen and seeds. But the pattern I want to
call your attention to is the sequence in which these florets open. In plants
like the Black Cohosh the oldest flowers are at the bottom of the raceme. They
are the first to open and the flowers become mature in a sequence from the
bottom to the top of the raceme, from the oldest to the youngest. In the
daisy-like Asters the sequence of maturity is from the edge to the center. You
can think of the Aster inflorescence as a squashed raceme where the oldest
flowers are on the outside and youngest near the center of the disk. If you
start with the oldest ray floret and connect it to the next oldest and so on
until you reached the youngest floret in the center you would find that you had
made a long spiral, like the groove on an old phonograph record. This spiral
pattern arises from the way in which a floret is produced by an embryonic
tissue at the very tip of a the flower bud – a tissue called the floral
meristem. This group of cells produce by successive division the cells that
become the florets. As each successive floret is produced the next one arises
at a fixed angle from the preceding one. At the same time the distance between
the floral meristem and the embryonic florets expands. This is how the spiral
arises. A lot has been written about the significance of this angle and the
patterns that it gives rise to – more than I can go into here. Two videos by Vi
Hart delve into this in a very entertaining way; both are worth watching: first video; second video.
Other insects:
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Widow Skimmer dragonfly |
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Dragonfly eyes and legs |
We saw one dragonfly, a Widow Skimmer, today and succeeded in
capturing it for a closer look. Dragonflies are visual predators. This life
style is reflected in the size of their eyes. They occupy most of the head,
giving them 360 degree vision. They are also the speediest and most
maneuverable of the flying insects. They catch their prey on the wing and hold it
with their spiny legs while devouring it.
Butterflies and Moths
There weren't many butterflies active today, but
those we saw were outstanding: two kinds of Hairstreaks and one Skipper.
Hairstreaks get their name from the presence of two
short, hair-like projections from the lower edge of the hind wing. Just next to
the base of each projection there is a dark spot, usually near a different
colored spot. The effect of these is to resemble an eye with antennae
projecting from near it – in other words, an imitation head. The illusion is
made better by a behavior that many of us observed today: when the butterfly is
at rest the hind wings are rubbed together. Put your hands palms together in
front of you. Now, keeping your palms together, rock each hand up and down. The
hairstreak butterfly moves its hind wings in the same way. This wiggles the
hairs – the fake antennae – and, together with the fake eye spots, make the
edge of the wing look like the head of the butterfly. A predator like a bird or
a lizard will strike at the moving decoy and get a piece of wing, allowing the
butterfly to escape with its life, even if its a little tattered.
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Juniper Hairstreak |
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Red-banded Hairstreak |
The two Hairstreaks we saw were the Red-banded and
Juniper Hairstreaks. There are many different Hairstreak species and identifying
them is difficult. You need a good field guide. The Juniper hairstreak larva feeds on Eastern
Red Cedar, otherwise known as Juniper. The Red-banded hairstreak caterpillar
feeds on Sumacs, but not on the living leaves. It feeds on the decaying leaves
on the ground beneath the plants. Strange habits!
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Young Milkweed Tussock moth caterpillars & skeletonized milkweed leaf |
Near the Physic Garden was a small bunch of Common
Milkweed. One of its leaves was almost completely skeletonized by a large group
of young Milkweed Tussock moth caterpillars. These caterpillars are
gregarious when young, spreading out and becoming solitary as they get older.
The older caterpillars will completely defoliate the small group of milkweeds
here – keep watch on their progress over the next week or two. The older
caterpillars are quite striking – they are very hairy, covered with tufts of
black, orange and white hairs. Like the Monarch butterfly the caterpillar and
adult moth sequester the poisonous and distasteful compounds on the milkweed
plant and are thus protected from predators. In spite of the common name this
moth is in the Tiger moth family, not the Tussock moth family.
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PawPaw fruit |
A few weeks ago we noticed some fruits on the Pawpaw
trees, so we stopped to see if they had gotten any larger. Most of them were
spherical and the Ramblers that are familiar with Pawpaw fruit thought that was
unusual. In their experience the fruit is generally more oblong. I suspect that
the shape of the fruit is determined by the number of seeds it contains, which,
in turn, is a function of how effectively the flower was pollinated. The more
seeds, the less spherical the fruit is.
Last, but not least, while we lingered in shade of the
Heritage Garden gazebo someone spotted a Mississippi Kite (a bird)
soaring over the garden. This beautiful bird has long, narrow wings that remind
me of a soaring glider. According to the books they feed on the wing, catching
large insects like cicadas, grasshoppers and katydids the make up the majority
of their diet.
Then it was back to Donderos' Kitchen for many of
Common Name
Scientific Name
orb weaver
orb weaver
various cultivars
skimmer dragonfly
golden digger wasp
black wasp
banded hairstreak
tussock moth
milkweed bug
cutter bee
fly; Hover fly
Pipe Mud dauber
Trypoxylon sp.