Wednesday, February 2, 2022

FINE Things 60

Is the omicron variant Mother Nature’s way of vaccinating the masses and curbing the pandemic? [link]

Saitis barbipes signaling
photo by Kaldari,
CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

This colorful jumping spider can't see its beautiful red face and legs. [link]
Dinosaurs in Alaska? Ted says you should watch this. [link]  
Quinoa, potatoes, and llamas fueled emergent social complexity in the Lake Titicaca Basin of the Andes. Read the summary of this interesting article.  [link]

Richard Lenski explains his mutation experiment that has run for over 34 thousand generations. [link]
Western monarch butterfly populations grew over 100-fold in 2021. Why?
The beloved butterflies had fallen to critical levels in recent years. Experts weigh in on what might be causing their remarkable return. [link]

Butterfly Blueprints: Explore how the scientific secrets of butterflies are inspiring technological innovations. [link]

How Monarchs can migrate explained in a comic book. [link]

A well-known wildflower turns out to be a secret carnivore. Triantha occidentalis sets a deathtrap for small insects just beneath its flower. [link]

Big dog, little dog: mutation explains range of canine sizes  [link]

An Arctic hare traveled at least 388 kilometers in a record-breaking journey. The trek is the longest ever recorded among hares and their relatives. [link]

Where did Omicron come from? Three key theories. [link]

Searching for the future of sunscreen. [link]

A soil-science revolution upends plants to fight climate change.
This article is an important discussion of carbon capture. If you read it be sure to scroll to the bottom and read the comments!  [link]