Today's report
was written by Hugh Nourse. Most of the photos that appear in this blog are
taken by Don
Hunter; you can see all the photos Don took of today's Ramble here.
October 10, 2015
Celebration Closing Event
7:00 p.m., Special
Collections Library Auditorium (Second Floor)
Brother Gardeners: Botany, Empire, and the Birth of an Obsession" presented by Andrea Wulf, New York Times best-selling
Tuesdays, October 13, 20, & 27
4:00 p.m., Sandy Creek Nature Center
Brissey, a Warnell graduate, will lead Tree ID walks at the nature center on
each Tuesday afternoon in October, beginning October 13.
Today was a special day. We began with a poetry reading by Bob Ambrose
in the Theater in the Woods, which is the first completed part of the Children’s
Garden. This was the first adult program
in the Theater. Bob selected poems
cycling through the four seasons and included three about our rambles this past
summer. It was an amazing performance
that we all enjoyed. We could relate to
the particulars of the past rambles.
Wilf Nicholls introduced Bob as a person he has played golf with and
who, he says, swings a mean club. This took us to 9 AM. For the reading there were at least 30
Note: The video of Bob's performance is available here on YouTube. The link will be posted here and sent to all the Ramblers
when it is available. (Here is a page listing all the poems Bob read, with links to each one.)
For the morning ramble we started with 25
participants. We split into two
groups: one led by Hugh and one led by
Dale. Our intended route for the day was
the Short Tree Trail, which we reached by taking the wood chip trail from the Theater
down to the Dunson Native Flora Garden, then a short way through that garden to
the White Trail. The Tree Trail follows the White Trail which we took to the
Red Sourwood Spur, rejoined the White Trail, and then returned on the Green
Trail to the White Trail and Shade Garden to the Arbor.
It was a beautiful cool morning. At the start I repeated our motto, “Seeking
What We Find.” Today that turned out to mean that everyone sought their own
preferred find. Before we were through,
the group had divided into about six groups.
I will describe what the six of us saw who followed the route mentioned
at the beginning.
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Crown-tipped Coral mushroom |
On the wood chipped path to the Dunson
Native Flora Garden, we stopped to talk about a Northern Red Oak with “ski
slopes” on the bark and distinctive leaves with bristles on the end of
points. Next we found Chanterelle
mushrooms, which were in a lot of places today.
As we went down the slope Don found a crown tipped coral mushroom. A leaf like the Northern Red Oak leaf but
with much deeper incisions was from a scarlet oak. Rosemary noticed it had a
critter on it, which Don named a mantle slug.
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Silene ovata |
In the Dunson Native Flora Garden our
first stop was to show off the champion mockernut hickory of Clarke
County. What makes it a champion? It depends on the measurement of the girth at
chest height and the shape of the crown.
Searching the ground we found the large hickory nuts from this
tree. The next stop was the
still-blooming horsebalm from the mint family.
Today it looked rather ragged with only a few blooms. I said it did not
look much different than when in full bloom on the Blue Ridge Parkway in early
September. Some of us were able to smell
the lemon balm fragrance of this plant.
Next to it was Silene ovata
with just a few blooms left. It is a
rare plant in Georgia. Crossing the
little bridge over the
dry wash, we spotted a mist flower on the edge of the
wash, a really nice splash of blue color.
It used to be called ageratum, and with film photography, it was hard to
get the blue color exposed properly
because the film was more sensitive to infrared light than our eyes are. It always came out pink, as you notice in the
Tennessee guide book, where the photo is pink, although it was taken by a very
excellent professional photographer, David Duhl. Several flowers had this problem, and it came
to be called the Ageratum Effect. Then
we stopped for the yellowwood tree. Yellowwood is a member of the bean
family. Linda had earlier told me that
Michaux, a french botanist, discovered this plant and sent it to Bartram for
his garden. The plant is still growing there.
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Mist flower (Ageratum) |
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River Oats (AKA "Fish-on-a-pole") |
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Hawthorn fruits |
As we started up the slope of the White
Trail toward the Elaine Nash Prairie under the power line, there was a large
group of elephant’s foot that reminded us of one of the lines in Bob’s poetry
in which he talked about the waving tops of the plant. In the old flower garden Don spotted a
foxtail type grass, but Linda several weeks ago indicated it was probably a
cultivar from the old garden rather than a native grass. Along the path was a yaupon holly whose
leaves were used by the American Indians to make a ceremonial drink, which is
how it gets its scientific name of Ilex
vomitoria. Dale later showed me a
reading that indicated that Yaupon has caffeine in its leaves, and that the
American Indians used it not only as an emetic for ceremonies, but in lesser
amounts for a regular drink, as we use coffee.
Along here a number of escaped garden plants show up, such as stinking
hellebore and Lenten Rose (Helleborus
x hybridus). The late blooming native aster brought more
blue color to the side of the path. We stopped again at the hophornbeam tree
with all of the dried seed pods hanging.
This has been discussed a lot lately, but I thought it worth mentioning
that the
hophornbeam gets its name from the pods that look like hops. We also mentioned its bark that looks like a
cat scratched it. Then we identified a little blue stem grass with its
alternate red and green stem, and with its blue green color. Nearby was a split beard (Andropogon ternarius) that has the same
barber pole red and green stem, but is more yellow green than blue green in
color, and has split white tufted
spikes. River oats was still
around. It is amazing that it not only
grows along the river but upland like this spot. One person mentioned that it really spreads
easily in a garden. The blue curls were
on their last leg; Rosemary found one
flower left. Behind it at the edge of
the woods is a hawthorn shrub with green fruit, which will eventually turn red.
Its thorns were very prominent.
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Hophornbeam seed pods |
Crossing the Elaine Nash Prairie we found
a number of bowl and doily spider webs in the dog fennel. Don discovered a Basilica orb weaver. The goldenrods were still going strong, but
the yellow crownbeard was fading.
Goldenaster was really bright and cheerful. We tried to smell the camphor odor of the
leaves, which gives it another common name, camphorweed, but were not too
successful with the leaves we tried.
Before leaving the Prairie we noted rabbit tobacco, which youngsters in
Georgia tried to smoke. Don always tells
us it was not a good experience. Jennie
asked if the genus was Gnaphalium. Unfortunately, the scientists have been at
work and changed it to Pseudognaphalium. I tried to find out why, but Weakly just
changed it and does not explain the change.
Would have to go to the references.
The next section of the trail was in the
woods along the White Trail. Our first
stop was to compare the bark and nuts of the Mockernut hickory and the pignut
hickory. The bark of this mockernut tree
had very distinctive deep-grooved diamond-shaped grids. The forest around the Garden is thought to
have a swarm of pignut hickory.
Foresters often distinguish a red hickory (Carya ovalis) from pignut hickory, but the botanists,
Kirkman and Duncan, argue that there is such a gradual transition from the
characteristics of a pignut to the red hickory that they do not know where to
separate the species, and so lump them together. This forest includes many of these varieties
of pignut hickory, hence a swarm. Bill
and Don starting finding a lot of mushrooms.
Behind us across the path they found a gem studded
puff ball. The orange mushrooms all over downed wood
turned out to be a species of false turkeytail.
As we walked up the path, we pointed out to Don and Bill a group of
purple cort mushrooms. One group stayed
with the mushrooms, and the rest of us found a leaf from
the cranefly orchid
already surfacing. Last summer’s flower
stalk was still standing. The leaves of
this plant disappear in the spring, and the flower blooms in July. Now in October, the leaf returns to gather
light during the winter before it disappears next spring. The leaf has pleats, is green above and
purple on the underside. An orb weaver
was working on its web. It was
fascinating to watch it go around in circles filling in the web. We admired the large white oaks, and then
found another group of mushrooms, which included the amazing flower-like
earthstar. This one had already shed its
spores. We called to Don and Bill to see
this new group of mushrooms. Their group
spent the rest of the day mushrooming.
We went on to the service road where we decided that there was time
enough to go on and check out the sourwood spur. Two decided they had enough walk and went
back down the road to the Green Trail and returned to the Arbor. The rest of us went down the slope of the
White Trail. Our first stop was a sweet
gum tree (Liquidambar styraciflua).
It is a pioneer tree, one of the first trees to come up in an abandoned
field. This plant needs light, but will
last a long time after the forest trees grow taller around it. It does tend to be clonal from its
roots. Then we found three red oak
leaves that dramatically showed the difference in their shapes: Southern red oak (Quercus falcata)
with leaves curved like a sword, bell
shaped next to stem, and often with a long tip end; northern red oak, and
scarlet oak (Quercus coccinea).
On the ground were a number of grape ferns with fertile fronds (Botrychium
biternatum). At the turn in the trail was a common script lichen (Graphis
scripta) on a small beech tree. From
here we admired the large number of beech (Fagus grandifolia), and
talked about how they hold their leaves in the winter. After they turn light tan, sunlight on this
slope is a fabulous sight. We talked
about the sourwood trees (Oxydendrum arboreum) on the other side of the
trail, how they tend to the bend to the light, and how deeply furrowed is their
bark. George showed us a sourwood that
must have been blown in a storm against another sourwood and now it seems to
have grown together with the other tree.
Interesting! Somewhere along here
we also found a beech tree with beech aphids and with black mold below where
the droppings of the aphids fell.
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Gem studded puffball |
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Purple cort mushrooms |
Turning onto the sourwood spur (Red
Trail), more Chanterelles lined the trail.
Going up the hill we found the really large very straight sourwood tree
for which this spur is named. After
admiring it for awhile and noticing that one large branch had broken, we moved
on to a short section of White Trail to connect to the Green Trail. We found more mushrooms along this
section. At the junction we looked at
the map attached to the shelter. The
person who made the map must never have walked this section of the trail
because they put the shelter at the intersection of the sourwood spur and the
White Trail, not at its location at the connection with the Green Trail.
Our first stop on the Green Trail was to
look at the PawPaw patch (Asimina sp.).
We smelled the leaves for the tell tale green pepper odor, and talked
about the difficulty of seeing fruit because the forest animals eat it just
before it gets ripe. Next we checked out
the bark and leaves of a southern red oak right at the service road. Across the trail from the southern red oak is
a black gum (Nyssa sylvatica), whose leaves turn bright red in fall and
are among the first leaves to turn in the forest. One of the few shagbark hickories (Carya ovata) occurs along this Green
Trail. As we observed its bark someone
mentioned that the bark is hard to tell from a white oak, but the leaves are
very different. The shagbark hickory has
compound leaves, whereas the white oak does not. We do not see many shagbark hickories in this
forest. They prefer calcium abundant
soils (more basic soils) than ours. They
are more common in Northeast George where the underlying soil is limestone. Toward the end of the Green Trail there is a
beaten path to a place with lots of sticks arranged as tepees. This was a village created by summer camp
kids with Cora Keber last summer . Our
last stop was at another beech with aphids.
Those that have not seen them before do get a blast out of watching
these “dancing ballerinas” wave their rumps about when the twig is shaken.
At that point we returned to the
Arbor. Some went on to Donderos for
snacks (or lunch).
This was only one story for the day. There must have been at least five
others. In any case, a great time was
had by all.
Red oak
Chanterelle mushroom
Crown tipped coral mushroom
Scarlet oak
Mockernut hickory
Canadian horsebalm
Ovate catchfly
Mist flower
Red russula mushroom
Yellowwood tree
Elephant’s foot
Foxtail grass (probably a cultivar)
Yaupon holly
Stinking hellebore
Late blue aster
Hophornbeam tree
False Turkeytail mushroom
Bug nymph on Hophornbeam
Suborder Heteroptera |
Little bluestem grass
River oats
Little blue curls
Hawthorn shrub
Bowl and doily spider
Basilica orb weaver
Dog fennel
Yellow crownbeard
Golden aster
Rabbit tobacco
Gem studded puff ball
Pignut hickory
Bitter oyster mushroom
Crowded parchment fungus
Purple cort mushroom
Unidentified spiny orbweaver
Deflated earth star
Unidentified brown gilled mushroom
American Caesar mushroom
Unidentified white gilled mushroom
sp. ?
Turkey tail mushroom
Multicolor gilled polypore