Twenty three ramblers gathered at 8AM on this relatively cool August morning.
The link to Don Hunter's photo album of today's ramble is here.
Today's reading: Hugh
read several quotations from George Washington Carver, all from this source, one of Hugh's
favorite blogs.
There were two announcements of interest to Ramblers:
Emily wanted everyone to know that Sandy Creek Nature Center will be
resuming their monthly trail walks, beginning on the first Wednesday in September
(Sep. 3). Each walk will start at 9:00 AM and last approximately 1 1/2 hrs. Following
the walk, attendees can enjoy free coffee, homemade goodies and conversation in
the visitor center.
Date (2014)
Sept. 3 (Wednesday)
Carmen Champagne
Oct. 1 (Wednesday)
Walt Cook
Nov. 4 (Tuesday)
Dan Williams
Dec. 3 (Wednesday)
Dale Hoyt & Emily Carr
Carmen is one of Sandy Creek's top notch naturalists -- nothing escapes her sight.
Walt Cook was one of the original founders of the Nature Center, as well as a forester and well-known trail creator. (Cook's trail was named in his honor.)
Dan Williams teaches dendrology (the study of trees) at UGA and has authored several books of interest to Ramblers. Many of us have learned how to identify our local trees from Dan. (Look him up on Amazon.)
Bob Ambrose invited everyone
interested in Nature-inspired writing to attend the next meeting of the Athens Nature Writing Group which meets
on the last Tuesday of the month, 5:30 to 6:30 at the Athens Land Trust offices
(located on N. Pope St., next to Emmanuel Episcopal Church). N. Pope St. is off
Prince Ave., across from Avid Books. Attendees who can afford to do so donate
$5 to help underwrite the Land Trust’s great programs.
Bob will read poems
and lead a discussion around the theme "Through the Dark Night, Gently: On Loss, Despair and
Pathways to Hope.” Here's
a link to some of Bob's poems on the topic.
Bob is one of our Ramblers, an
environmental engineer and late-in-life poet. He began writing in 2009 shortly
after retirement. He performs monthly in the Athens Word of Mouth open poetry
community and was the featured reader for July 2012. Bob also performs at
various venues around Athens, including bars, coffee houses, and churches. His
poems have been published online at the Athens Word of Mouth website and Bellemeade
Books. He has also been published in local soft-bound collections, including
“Stray Dog Almanac” and “Proetry” — and in “The Yellowthroat,” the
newsletter of the Oconee Rivers Audubon Society. Bob posts on his blog site
“Reflections in Poetry.”
Today's route:
Through the formal gardens, past the Paw Paws and down to the Butterfly bushes.
Then, escaping the heat, we followed the Purple spur trail into the woods and
returned to the visitor center via the Purple trail.
Personal note:
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Check out the galls! |
Many of you know that my birthday was last Tuesday. I thank all of you who sent me birthday greetings -- they were unexpected and very much appreciated. One was especially creative and I felt I had to share it with everyone.
Zinnias: In the
formal part of the garden we stopped to look at a bed of zinnias. Most ramblers
know that zinnias are a type of composite -- a member of the Sunflower family.
What appears to
be a single flower is really a large number of very small
flowers (florets) all clustered together. Each petal is, in reality a single floret
with a lop-sided strap-like petal. This is termed a ray floret and it is what you
plucked off a daisy when you played "She loves me -- she loves me not."
The ray florets of the outer whorl are usually sterile and are there to attract
the attention of pollinators. The actual fertile florets make up the disk of
the inflorescence. In daisies and "unimproved" zinnias there is a
single whorl of ray florets and many, many disk florets where nectar and pollen
is found (and where seeds are produced). Plant breeders discovered that sometimes
they could double the number of ray florets and make a showier flower. The
additional ray florets were disk florets that got confused. So the additional
"petals" were made at the expense of the part of the flower head that
produces pollen and nectar and seeds. The showier the flower the less
attractive to pollinators it became. So if you like zinnias and
butterflies try to find a heirloom variety. It will be more attractive.
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Ray florets replace nectar producing disk florets |
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Not a honey bee |
Night-blooming Cereus:
There is a spectacular cactus in the genus Cereus
blooming in the garden. It has enormous
white blossoms with a huge number of
stamens. We noticed it at about 8:30AM and the flowers were still in good
shape. Such large, white blossoms that open at night are usually pollinated by
bats. While we looked at the flowers we noticed two bees investigating them.
One was a honey bee with a lot of pollen in the baskets on its hind legs. The
other is not a honey bee, but I don't know what kind it is.
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Honeybee with pollen baskets |
Paw Paw: Further
along we stopped at our Paw Paw patch to see if there was any progress in the
fruit. Only one fruit is easily visible and it is about the same size as when we
last saw it. Adjacent to the Paw Paw is a Winged sumac that is just starting to
develop an inflorescence. When mature the sumac berries have a fresh, lemony
flavor. The ground fruit makes a wonderful tasting seasoning. It is used in
Persian cooking and can be obtained at the DeKalb Farmer's Market in Decatur.
(I don't know if it is locally available.)
Skink: Basking on
the brickwork we spotted a juvenile skink with a bright blue tail. This could
be one of three skink species found in this area: Five-lined skink,
Southeastern Five-lined skink or Broadhead skink. The young of all three
species look almost identical -- dark body color with five yellow lines running
the length of the body and a brilliant blue tail. As the animals mature they
gradually lose their yellow lines and blue color on the tail. They are
distinguishable by differences in the number and relative size of certain
scales, but you have to catch the skink to see these details. All skinks share
an unusual characteristic: they can spontaneously drop their tail. The tail
vertebrae have a fracture plane and special muscles that, when contracted,
break the vertebra along that plane. The tail falls off, twitching violently,
attracting attention away from its owner. The tail can regenerate but the new growth
differs in appearance, so you can tell when a skink has experienced previous
attacks by predators. By the way, skinks are a type of lizard; the term applies
to any member of the family Scincidae.
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Juvenile skink |
This seems to be a poor year for butterflies, at least they
are not as abundant as expected, with
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Silver-spotted skipper |
What is a skipper?
A skipper is traditionally considered to be a kind of butterfly, but some
people insist that they should be given equal rank to butterflies and moths.
According to this opinion the Order Lepidoptera should consist of the
Butterflies, Skippers and Moths, instead of just Butterflies and Moths. But how
do you tell if what you're looking at is a skipper? The one characteristic that
is most reliable is the antennae. On a butterfly the antennae are long,
segmented and terminate in a swollen end. On a skipper the antennae are like a
butterfly's but the swollen end has a pointed hook. Unfortunately, to see this
you really need be able to look at the critter close up. Other features that
most, but not all, skippers have are: a stocky body with proportionally smaller
wings. They just look like husky little butterflies. When these small skipper
bask in the sun or while they are sipping nectar from a flower they will often
flare out their hind wings, holding them almost horizontally, while the fore
wings are only slightly opened.
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Skipper antennae |
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Butterfly antennae |
Sleepy Orange: Here's
a website
with lots of photos of Sleepy Orange butterflies, giving you a good feel
for the range of variation in this species. Different sources give different
reasons for the common name: one says it's because they have slower flight than
other sulfurs; another says that it's because of a mark on the forewing that
looks like a closed eye. Take your pick. The larval food plant for the Sleepy
Orange is Senna. We have seen two
species of Senna growing here in the
garden, S. obtusifolia (Sicklepod)
and S. marilandica. Next time we're
out we should look for caterpillars.
Tiger Swallowtail:
I netted a very dark swallowtail butterfly and was eager to see if it was a
Black Swallowtail or a melanic female Tiger Swallowtail. Melanic means that the
wings are very
dark due to the deposition of a pigment called melanin, the same
pigment that is found in human skin cells. If you hold a dark swallowtail up to
the light you can see the shadowy outline of the dark stripes if it's a tiger
swallowtail. If you don't see those faint stripes and you know it's not one of
the other dark colored swallowtails in our area, then it's a Black Swallowtail.
This is a nice example of mimicry. The dark form of the Tiger Swallowtail
resembles the Pipevine Swallowtail, a distasteful, perhaps poisonous species.
Naive birds that attempt to eat a Pipevine Swallowtail vomit it back up a few
minutes after ingestion. When offered a dark colored butterfly that is not
poisonous they refuse even to peck at it. (If naive birds are offered a
non-distasteful dark swallowtail first they eagerly consume it, so they don't
have an instinctive avoidance of those butterflies.) This form of mimicry,
where a tasty form resembles a distasteful form was named Batesian mimicry,
after the biologist who first proposed it. We have seen other Batesian mimics
of the Pipevine swallowtail, the Red-spotted Purple, for example.
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Melanic Tiger Swallowtail |
Yellow Jacket
Hoverfly: We were excited to find another excellent Batesian mimic flying
around the flower beds, a Yellow Jacket Hoverfly. Hoverflies (also called
Flowerflies) are in the
family Syrphidae and the adults are often seen visiting
flowers where they eat the pollen. In the process they also pollinate the
flower. Their larvae are vigorous consumers of aphids. Many of the hoverflies
mimic bees and wasps and the resemblance to those stinging insects is often startlingly
real. The appearance also extends to behavior. When I was extricating the fly
from the net it started to buzz like a wasp and my first reaction was to
release it. If the resemblance is so great how do you know that what you have
is a fly and not a yellow jacket? There are several things to look for: the
hoverfly can hang motionless in the air, its wings a blur, just like a
hummingbird; wasps cannot fly that well. In addition to hovering, it can fly
backwards. Another characteristic is the antennae, they are long and obvious in
wasps, but the hoverfly has very small, short antennae (see the photo). Lastly,
hoverfly eyes are enormous, the meet at the top of the head and occupy most of
its space. The eyes of wasps are much smaller.
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Antennae are circled |
Cricket: Someone
noticed a female cricket and we passed it around so everyone could see
egg-laying tube (ovipositer) and the two "antennae" (anal cerci) at
the end of the abdomen. The anal cerci function like antennae -- they have
sensory cells that enable the cricket to feel what's going on behind it. The
long, needle-like ovipositer is inserted into the soil and a number of eggs
travel down its length and emerge at its tip.
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Where's Jiminy when you need him? |
Loblolly Pine: At
the edge of the woods we noticed a towering Loblolly Pine whose upper branches
were covered with green cones. The seed-bearing cones grow high in the tree to
facilitate dispersal of the seeds by wind. On the surface of each cone scale
there are up to two seeds. Each seed is surrounded by a membranous "wing"
that causes the falling seed to be blown a considerable distance from the
parent tree.
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Chewed up green pine cones |
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Lespedeza leaves |
Northern Red Oak:
A leafy twig of Northern Red Oak was found on the trail, complete with several
developing acorns. Many ramblers have noticed twigs from oaks and other trees
littering the grounds and suspect squirrels are the guilty parties. The
question is why? Some suggested that they were using the leafy twigs to make
their nest. (The squirrel nest, called a drey,
is made from such leafy twigs. But why would a squirrel go to the trouble to
cut a twig for a nest and then drop it? Plus, if squirrels are the guilty party
then there should be evidence of gnawing on the cut end. Another possibility is
that the twig has been weakened by the larvae of wood boring beetles eating the
woody tissue in the twig. Then when it rains or we have strong winds the twig
snaps off at the weakened point. Squirrels are also known to snack on beetle
larvae and they may have gnawed into the twig to extract the grub and then let
the twig fall. Many hypotheses and questions but few answers!
On our way back to the Visitor center we encountered more of
our old friends, the Beech Blight Aphids accompanied by the Sooty Mold growing
on their honeydew droppings. Speaking of fungus, we also found a Black footed
marasmius growing in a fallen acorn cup instead of its customary twig. Nearby
was a juvenile American toad and the outer paper shell of an old Bald-faced
Hornet nest. The hornets scrape up wood fibers and mold it with their saliva to
construct the paper nest. If you have a nest nearby you can put out colored
construction paper and they will incorporate it into their nest as it grows.
Change colors every week or so and you'll get a multi-colored nest. These nests
only last for one season and are not reused. At the end of the year only the
new queens overwinter. All the other inhabitants of the nest, the males, the
workers, and the old queen die. Every year the cycle is begun anew.
And then it was time to visit Donderos'.
Common Name
Scientific Name
Zinnia sp.
Flowering cactus
Cereus hildmannianus
Lantana sp.
Blue Salvia
Salvia sp.
Texas Spidewort
Tradescantia reverchonii
Common pawpaw
Asimina triloba
Winged sumac
Rhus copallina
Five lined skink
Southeastern Five-lined skink or Broadhead skink |
Eumeces (Plestiodon) sp.
E. fasciatus, E. inexpectatus, or E. laticeps |
Beetle Larvae
Order Coleoptera
Carpenter ant
Camponotus sp.
Long Tailed Skipper
Urbanus proteus
Silver spotted Skipper
Epargyreus clarus
Yellow Jacket Hoverfly
Milesia virginiensis
Tiger Swallowtail
Papilio glaucus
Sleepy Orange
Abaeis nicippe
Family Gryllidae
Ruby Throated Hummingbird
Archilochus colubris
Loblolly pine
Pinus taeda
Lespedeza sp.
Red Oak tree
Quercus rubra
Bald Faced Hornets
Dolichovespula maculata
Beech Blight Aphids
Grylloprociphilus imbricator
Black footed marasmius
Marasmiellus nigripes
American Toad
Bufo americanus
Horse sugar
Symplocos tinctoria