Nineteen intrepid ramblers met at 8 AM by
the Arbor to listen to two inspiring poems.
the first was by one of our own ramblers Bob Ambrose, which he recited
(did not read):
Don Hunter's photo album for todays ramble is here.
A Prayer of June in Green and Brown
Athens, Georgia, Wednesday, June 18, 2014
To be present at creation
and wander deep time
weightless as the moment itself,
for eternity is an inbreath
of early June evening,
when life hums a low note
and late sun filters softness
through darkening shade;
or the pool of morning,
when buzz-trill and chirp-call
weave the tree tops, waking
whole days; or in the still-breath,
when slant yellow renders
shades of green to veins of gold
and the nervous house wren
pauses on a porch rail
regarding options.
He fans a tiny wing,
darts eyes, twitches
twice, flies. Action
breaks the idle spell, restores
the world to green and brown.
I do not trust a golden throne
guarded by pearl encrusted
gates. Just give me Now
in my outbreath and God
in the garden, trailing
dew beads to a new solstice.
You can read more of his poetry at this link.
The second poem by Mary Oliver was read by Rosemary
From Mary's
Oliver book of poems: House of Light.
I wanted to thank
the mockingbird for the vigor of his song.
Every day he sang
from the rim of the field, while I picked blueberries or just idled in the sun.
Every day he came
fluttering by to show me, and why not, the white blossoms in his wing.
So one day I went
there with a machine, and played some songs of Mahler.
The mockingbird
stopped singing, he came close and seemed to listen.
Now when I go
down to the field, a little Mahler spills through the sputters of his song.
How happy I am,
lounging in the light, listening as the music floats by!
And I gave thanks
also for my mind, that thought of giving a gift.
And mostly I'm
grateful that I take this world so seriously.
The route taken was white trail to blue trail and return
on white trail along river back to Arbor.
The first stop was in the Dunson Native Flora Garden to
notice the leaves and four sided stem of the mint horse balm (Collinsonia
canadensis). Along the road was beauty
berry (Callicarpa americana). We talked
about its beautiful purple berries in the fall. Silvio said that the latin,
Callicarpa, meant beautiful fruit. Someone asked what animals ate the
berries. Miller and Miller in their
book, Forest Plants of the Southeast and their Wildlife Uses, says that
more than 40 species of song birds consume the berries. If preferred plants are unavailable, white
tail deer will consume the leaves. They
also consume the berries in the fall.
Crossing the road and up to the power line right of way
we stopped to see
how much the bottlebrush buckeye (Aesculus parviflora) had
bloomed out. We had discussed whether hummingbirds were attracted to
bottlebrush buckeye. The answer, as last
week, is unclear. Miller and Miller, say
that red buckeye is attractive to hummingbirds especially, but says all
buckeyes are also attractive.
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Bottlebrush Buckeye and Ramblers |
Under the power line
false dandelion or Carolina Desert Chickory (Pyrrhopappus carolinianus)
was still blooming. Wild petunia
caroliniensis) was also still blooming. Someone spotted a deptford pink (Dianthus
armeria) still in bloom. The leaves of
mullein (Verbascum thapsus) reminded us that Gary said that the leaves made
good toilet paper out on the trail. I
also believe we saw common wood sorrel
(Oxalis stricta) here and elsewhere.
Here also was Queen Anne's lace (Daucus carota) and horse nettle
(Solanum carolinense). The latter is related to the potato. Not everyone, but a
few found a Japanese parasol mushroom (Parasola sp.)
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Parasol Mushroom |
Entering the woods we passed many red bud (Cercis
canadensis) sprouts, and several daisy fleabane plants (Erigeron sp.) Climbing the first big red oak (Quercus
rubra) was our first vine of many today, Virginia creeper (Parthenocissus
quinquefolia) with its five-lobed palmate leaves.
On the blue trail we spotted the Torreya taxifolia that
was planted at a safeguarding site at the Garden. It was in a meadow just outside the woods
marked with orange tape. We found a tree
with unidentified dried up shelf mushrooms.
The blue trail is a fascinating trail because it goes
through one of the last-farmed acreages in the Garden. It is truly a successional forest. The tall pines are loblolly (Pinus taeda) and
short-leaf (Pinus echinata), but there are many hardwood species in sapling
form. We saw many oaks (cannot be
identified at the sapling size because the leaves are so variable at that
stage), hickories, American beech (Fagus
grandifolia), and sweet gum (Liquidambar styraciflua). Another characteristic of a successional
forest is the presence of black cherry trees (Prunus serotina), which are more
numerous along the blue trail than elsewhere in the Garden. The old cotton
field terraces are also very visible.
The trail itself goes along one of the terraces and one can see terraces
above and below the trail.
Bob Walker identified mosses. One was Bryoandersonii because it was in very
disturbed soil. He also found slender
starburst (Atrichum angustatum) moss.
Bob and Ronnie spent a lot of time studying mosses along the trail.
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Pin Lichen |
There were a lot of vines along this trail. One of the green briers (Smilax sp) was
climbing a young hop hornbeam (Ostrya virginiana). Then in the bark of a loblolly pine Hugh
pointed out the pin lichen (Cladonia macilenta).
We asked about a tree with blocky bark. Someone mentioned sourwood, but it was a
persimmon tree (Diospyros virginiana).
Hugh talked about how his Dad had a collection of persimmon recipes
including persimmon muffins, persimmon fudge, and persimmon jam. Pat said you had to be careful when eating
the fruit because if you bite into it when it is not ripe, it will really
pucker up your mouth.
Just beyond the persimmon tree was what looked like the
leaf of climbing hydrangea (Decumaria barbara).
All along the trail we saw the rosette of the Elephant's
foot plant (Elephantopus tomentosus).
One was already shooting up a stem about a foot. Hugh talked about the other species that has
a very leafy stem (Elephantopus carolinianus), but Pat said this plant had leaves
on the stem. Yes, but they were small
bract like leaves. If you saw the other
you would know it.
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Muscadine |
Muscadine (vitas rotundifolia) was everywhere. In fact we even found green grapes forming on
several vines that were draped over small saplings.
Along the trail dominated by pines there is one huge
water oak (Quercus nigra). Nothing grows
under it. The pine saplings are weak and
not doing well. Nothing else is growing
either. Some oaks cause the soil to be
bad for other plants.
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Winged Sumac |
Next came the winged sumac (Rhus copallinum), identified
by the wings along the twigs between leaflets.
Nearby was poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans).
A huge swath of privet (ligustrum sinense) had just been
cut down and swabbed with roundup.
Thomas Peters, a UGA graduate in landscape architecture and a freelance
restoration expert, has been hired by Dr. Nichols to eradicate privet.
He has started here on the blue trail, but intends to work his way down
to the river.
A blueberry bush was identified by its new green stems
as Vaccinium elliotii. Just before entering the meadow there is a sawtooth oak
(Quercus accutissima) which is more fun in the fall when the sawtooth leaves
are all over the ground and we can see its fantastic acorn.
The meadow was a surprise. Hugh was prepared to talk about some of the plants,
but it had just been mowed. Some were
surprised that the Torreya pine was gone.
There used to be a safeguarding site for it here in this meadow. Heather Alley dug the plants up and moved
them to the Mimsie Lanier Center for Native Plants, so they would not be mowed
when the field was mowed.
A decision was made to go down to the river and take the
white trail back instead of going up the service road and return on one of the
other trails. By the gate to take the
blue trail down to the river, a lot of blooms from trumpet vine (Campsis
radicans) were on the ground. They came
from a vine climbing the loblolly pine next to the fence.
On the other side of the fence were a group of black
cherries, one of which had a huge burl on its trunk. A little farther along was one of the few
shagbark hickories (Carya ovata). At
this point went back to rescue Martha who was taking our usual walk up the
service road.
Marked with a green tape was a scraggly native hog plum
(Prunus umbellata). For some reason these
trees do not seem to generate fruit and the folks in conservation are trying to
figure why that might be.
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A Slime Mold |
Starting down the slope of the ravine to the river we
found a gross slime covered in yellow.
When you touched it, the yellow disappeared and it was black. Don has identified it as yellow dog vomit
slime (Fuligo septica). Nearby was a chalk maple (Acer leucoderme) which is an
indicator plant of more basic soil.
There must be more of the amphibolite in this area as in the other slope
along the purple trail near the river.
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American Toad |
The slope itself is dense with Christmas fern
(Polystichum acrostichoides). It is
quite a marvelous site. It does have a
deer trail down through it. More common
wood sorrel was found, as well as a frog, probably an american toad. Ronnie was able to capture it to show
everyone. It was well camouflaged in the
leaf litter of the ground and hard to see until it jumped.
All along the slope were the stems and leaves of
Jack-in-the-pulpit, but what was most interesting was the number of stems with
more than three leaves. Some had four,
or five.
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Anglepod flower |
At the bottom of the slope was a fallen sourwood
(Oxydendrum arboreum). Fresh leaves and
branches seem to be shooting upward to the sky.
If one looked carefully there was a green dragon plant (Arisaema
dracontium) with a semi-circle of leaves.
With short pants one had to be careful of the wood nettle (Laportea
canadensis) along the trail here.
Several people at this point found a vine with green and purple
flowers. What a find!!! It was common
angle pod (Gonolobus suberosus), which is one of the milk vines in the Milkweed
We went up the white trail about ten yards to view the
fruit of a Jack-in-the-pulpit..
Then it was down to the river along the white trail.
Vines were everywhere.
There were smilax rotundifolia, s. glauca, s. smallii, muscadine (Vitis
rotundifolia), burr cucumber (Sicyos ungulates), and cross vine (Bignonia
capreolata). River oats (Chasmanthium
latifolium) were showing why Avis calls it fish on a pole.
Although we hurried through the trail, we still spent an
extraordinary amount of
time today, almost 2 and 1/2 hours, so we did not stop
for everything along the river. But
there were a few very interesting stops.
One was for the two sugarberry trees (Celtis laevigata). Martha objected that it was a hackberry
tree. Hugh, too, said that he originally
thought it was a hackberry. He called Linda, who named it sugarberry. Looking it up in the Duncan tree book, he
called it both hackberry or sugarberry, sugarberry being one species of
hackberry. One would have to check the leaves to really be sure of the
identification. But they are so high in
a maze of vegetation that it is hard to be sure.
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Sugarberry |
Farther long the trail bends around a huge sycamore
(Platanus occidentalis). Roger Nielsen says that when you look at a the lower
part of the trunk it looks sick, and when you look higher it looks
sickamore. Near here someone saw a very
fuzzy caterpillar, which Don has identified as tussock moth caterpillar (Orgyia
definita). On one tree that was totally
hollowed out we identified resurrection
fern (Pleopeltis polypodioides), cross vine (Bignonia capreolata), and poison
Passing an area in which privet (Ligustrum sinense) was
removed, we noted that it has returned with a vengeance along with another
invasive tree, princess or royal paulownia tree (Paulownia tomentosa).
Some of us noticed a beautifully flowering shrub. (Hugh
must have been talking too much).
Anyway, returning to the shrub everybody gathered. Hugh identified it as swamp hibiscus
(Hibiscus moscheutos), but he was wrong.
Upon returning home and checking the identification, he found that swamp
hibiscus does not turn into a 15 foot high shrub. The only hibiscus to do so is rose of Sharon
(Hibiscus syriacus), an escaped garden plant.
It was beautiful--white petals with a red center. Hugh remembers rose of Sharon as having more
purple petals, but they can be any shade from white to purple.
We stopped to check out the leaves of the white mulberry
(Morus alba), which was imported to the colonies to develop a silk
industry. In this area was another
privet removal experiment which is totally grown up in vegetation, some of
which is still privet, although another common plant is box elder (Acer negundo). Along the path are lots of wing stem, both
the plants with opposite leaves (Verbesina occidentalis), and the ones with
alternative leaves (Verbesina alternatifolia which will have yellow flowers, or
V. virginica which will have white flowers.
We did identify at least one of the common green ash
trees (Fraxinus pennsylvanica) with its opposite compound leaves. Also in this area was a large stand of
ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia)
In the power line right of way, we searched for and
found the leaves of passion flower (Passiflora incarnata). The wild leeks (Allium stellatum) from last
week were nearly shot. But we could still find the goldenrod galls. In one of
the wettest areas we found a parsley like plant that we could not
identify. We have now identified it as
mock bishop weed (Ptilimnium capillaceum).
Entering he forest again we found the shade loving white
avens (Geum canadense) still in bloom.
After such a great trip it was necessary for most of us
to retire to Donderos' for a snack.