26 people met by the arbor in the lower parking lot to begin our ramble. Today's report was written by Hugh Nourse.
Hugh brought today's reading from Ann Haymond Zwinger, Downcanyon: A Naturalist
Explores the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon, page 93.:
One of the many
unmaintained trails into the canyon, the Eminence Break Trail, reaches the
river at President Harding Rapid at mile 43.7.
Camped on the beach here. I join
some hikers on the trip to walk the trail at first light. Pads of moss luxuriate along the trail, and
plants brighten the dry streambed. As
usual I lag behind to take notes, a fatal error with a destination-oriented
group. I take the path less traveled and
it does make all the
difference. Now I sit a hundred feet
above the rest of the group happily dangling my legs over a parapet. Below me a phoebe flits and dips, snatching
up this morning's insect hatch. Tiny
bats lace the sky until 5:30, then disappear.
Don Hunter's photo album of today's ramble is here.
Our ramble today went through the International Garden by the Pitcherplant Bog, then down the Purple Tail to the Orange Trail. An adventurous hike up the heath bluff, then back to the Orange Trail along which we traversed to the Flower Garden Trail, up through the Flower Garden, finishing at Dondero's.
Our ramble today went through the International Garden by the Pitcherplant Bog, then down the Purple Tail to the Orange Trail. An adventurous hike up the heath bluff, then back to the Orange Trail along which we traversed to the Flower Garden Trail, up through the Flower Garden, finishing at Dondero's.
we entered the International Garden, the Southeast plant collection was
blooming nicely with
Blue Star (Amsonia
hubrechtii, A. ciliate, and A.
tabernaemontana), Coreopsis sp,
spiderwort (Tradescantia virginiana), Piedmont azalea (Rhododendron canescens), and white wild indigo (Baptisia alba). Crossing the stone bridge the bottlebrush
buckeye was beginning to bud. The big stop was in front of the Pitcherplant
There we saw yellow trumpets (Sarracenia flava), white trumpet (Sarracenia leucophylla), and the red
pitcher plant (Sarracenia rubra), all
from Georgia. The white one is rare in
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Spiderwort flowers |
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Pitcher Plants + Flower |
the way to the Purple Trail we passed Dr Durhams medicinal plants in the Physic
Garden. Durham was a physician using
medicinal herbs for curing people. His
center was in Scull Shoals, down in Oconee National Forest. In the early 19th Century it was a thriving
community and Durham's patients came from all over the world. It is now an archeological site in the
National Forest.
Shrub (Calycanthus floridus) was
blooming with its dark maroon petals, and the high bush blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum) were now green
balls. At the beginning of the Purple
Trail was alumroot (Heuchera
sp.). The forest at the top of the
Purple Trail is a mesic forest typical of the Piedmont: northern red oak (Quercus rubra), white oak (Quercus
alba), American beech (Fagus
grandifolia). We stopped to talk about the huge northern red oak that
come down in the wind storm a week ago Wednesday. Wade had not had a chance to clear the trail
because of the work needed for the annual Garden Ball. The Ball raises so much money that a great
deal of effort is made to make it an excellent experience. The eight years of drought has probably
weakened a number of trees. I remember
during the drought that foresters made the comment that we would see damaged
trees later because of those years of drought.
I said that I thought we might be seeing Wade and his crew this morning
working on clearing the tree. Just as we
were leaving he and his crew arrived and invited us to help. Declining, we went on through the gate at the
deer fence to see the chalk maples (Acer
leucoderme). They are indicator
plants of more basic soils. The Blue
Ridge and the Piedmont are mostly acid soils from granite or gneiss rock. But there is a formation of amphibolite rock
that comes down the ravine where the Orange Trail is located and then comes
across the slope where this group of Chalk Maples are growing. At the meeting of the Orange Trail with the
Purple Trail we once again discussed the difference in bark between muscle
wood, or sometimes American Hornbeam) (Carpinus
caroliniana) and Eastern Hophornbeam
(Ostrya virginiana).
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Red Oak down! |
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Mountain Laurel flowers |
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Closeup showing unsprung stamens |
cross country up the hill we stopped at one of the 29 rock mounds around the
top of the
hill. Ann Shenk briefed us on
Mark Williams' ideas on these possible
indian relics. The thought is that they
were some kind of marker for a place they came.
The boulders along the river below this point would have been a place
they could tell each other they would meet.
Perhaps it had religious significance. Other people think that the rocks were piled up by farmers who
cleared their fields growing crops, but the hill is too steep for crops. On this morning we were attacked by
mosquitos, and decided to move on.
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Anne Shenk & Rock Pile |
we rambled around the Beaver Pond, we talked about how the beavers had left,
but the Garden had replaced the dam to provide a way for the plants in the pond
to filter the water coming down the creek.
A number of years ago it was polluted with runoff from hog farms at the
top of the creek. The creek is now much
cleaner because the hog farms have moved elsewhere.
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Poison Ivy (l.) & Box Elder (r.) |
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Young May Apple |
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Duck Potato |
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Hearts-a-Bustin' flowers |
the creek we found some very fast fish, probably too fast to have been
crossing the bridge to the Flower Garden trail, more chalk maple was
discovered. Tim pointed out the leaves
of pawpaw. We talked about how only two
weeks ago on this trail the beech saplings we were looking at had no new
leaves, but only a few of last years and sharp pointed buds where the new
leaves would come. Now the tree was
completely dressed in green leaves.
Where we saw mayapple flowers we now saw the fruit. A nice specimen
of rattlesnake fern (Botrychium virginianum) showed up just before the gate in
the deer fence. It differs from the
grape fern later in the year (Botrychium biternatum) by having the fertile
frond start right at the intersection of the three other fronds. The fertile frond of the grape fern starts
way below that intersection and often seems to come separately from the ground.
We also saw another Fern ball, similar to those seen on last week's ramble.
Click here to see more about this unusual structure and the moth caterpillar that makes it..
We also saw another Fern ball, similar to those seen on last week's ramble.
Click here to see more about this unusual structure and the moth caterpillar that makes it..
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Filmy Dome spider |
the woodland walk in the Flower Garden, green and gold (Chrysogonum virginianum) was still blooming. Would make a nice ground cover in a native
plant garden.
jack-in-the-pulpits (Arisaema triphyllum)
demonstrated the different colors that the pulpit can be. One was green with darker green stripes,
whereas others were maroon with green stripes.
Tim raised the point that this plant may change its sex. Click
this link for more information about the sex life of Jack in the Pulpit.
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American Wisteria (not invasive) |
the Peace Plaza Hugh pointed out the live oak (Quercus virginiana) in the Garden.
It being a coastal plain tree we do not usually see it around here. This was the last stop before going to
Dondero's for coffee and snacks.
Common Name
Scientific Name
Coreopsis sp.
Virginia Spiderwort
Tradescantia virginiana
Sandhills or Fringed Bluestar
Amsonia ciliata
False Indigo
Baptisia australis
Bottlebrush Buckeye
Aesculus parviflora
Yellow Trumpet Pitcher Plant
Sarracenia flava
Hybrid Pitcher Plant
Sarracenia flava x leucophylla
Sweet Pitcher Plant
Sarracenia rubra
Sweet Shrub
Calycanthus floridus
Double Northern Red Oak
Quercus rubra
Chalk Maple
Acer leucoderme
Carpinus caroliniana
Hop Hornbeam
Ostrya virginiana
Mountain Laurel
Kalmia latifolia
Sand Hickory
Carya palida
Broadleaf Arrowhead/Duck Potato
Sagittaria latifolia
Poison Ivy
Toxicodendron radicans
Box Elder
Acer negundo
Bursting Heart/Strawberry Bush
Euonymus americanus
Immature stage of a Leafhopper
in the family Cercopidae
Arisaema triphyllum
Podophyllum peltatum
Little Brown Jugs
Hexastylis arifolia
Ebony Spleenwort
Asplenium platyneuron
Rattlesnake Fern
Botrypus virginianus
Red Bud
Cercis canadensis
Paw Paw
Asimina triloba
"Fern ball" moth
Herpetogramma sphingealis
American Beech
Fagus grandifolia
Aesculus sp.
Wild Yam
Green and Gold
Filmy Dome spider
Neriene radiata
American/Native Wisteria
Wisteria frutescens